Mental Betrayal
Mental betrayal is the first step in a movement away from God. Bernard, like Aelred, often lists stages of decline in order to make his monks aware of the inherent dynamism of vice. First, there is a mere suggestion of evil, then an increasing delight in it until, finally, consent is given (Div 45.1, 6; 72.1). When the evil action is repeated then an evil habit develops. The life of humans on earth is a temptation.* If indeed it is deceptive, then its deceptions are not usually simple. That is, life deceives humans in manifold ways: it changes its face, it changes its voice.
Finally, the memory of life’s brevity should be a remedy for sin rather than a temptation, as it is written: Remember your final end and you shall never sin.* Because if sin reigns in you unto the end, or rather, if you so enjoy being a slave to sin* that you mourn the short time that you have to serve it, to the point that you so love the broad way* that you would by any means make it even longer if you could, like it or not, life’s end is not far off. But you, I admit, are far from the Kingdom of God,* and you seem to have made an unbreakable treaty with death and a pact with hell.*