The Great Kerygma
Kerygma is a Greek word for "Proclamation." During the early Church, the disciples of Our Lord made use of this proclamation to tell the history of salvation to everyone. It comprises man's fall into sin, the need for a Savior to save us from our fallen nature, and the mission that calls us to go forth. This is the introduction to evangelization, our history, and our identity.
We are lost in our sins, those deep drives are destroying us, and God has sent the Savior, Jesus Christ, who died to set us free and offer us whole new life. It is he who calls to you now, who is drawing you to himself, that he might save you and give to you a whole new life. He died to give you this life, and having been raised from the dead, he ascended to the Father, where he is drawing you to himself even now, calling you by name, and offering you deliverance from every sinful and destructive drive, establishing you in a new, more glorious, and hopeful life. Come to him now, repent of your sins, and let him begin the good work in you.
1. God loves you and has an amazing plan for your life
2. Sin has broken this plan
3. Jesus Christ has come to us, He loves us and He died for us (Good News)
4. He asks us to respond to this good news by repentance
- Repentance is a radical reorientation of your life to Christ
- it's walking away from what's killing you, it is a change of mind followed by action
5. Be baptized and received the Holy Spirit
6. Be firmly planted and rooted in the Church
7. You go out and make disciples
John 3:16 is the summation
1. God loves you
2. He has a plan for your life, but sin has ruptured that plan;
3. So God sent His Son to the world to save us from our sin and invite us to repent and believe in the Gospel
4. Go and make disciples of Christ
Seven Elements of the Kerygma:
1. God loves you and has a plan for your life.
2. Sin will destroy you.
3. Christ Jesus died to save you.
4. Repent and believe the Gospel.
5. Be Baptized and receive the Holy Spirit.
6. Abide in Christ and his body the Church.
7. Go make disciples.
1. The loving plan of God for humanity
2. Sin and its consequences, especially separation from God;
3. God’s answer to our problem - in the sending of his Son for our salvation
4. The response this grace calls forth from every person: to repent, believe in Jesus, & be baptized
1. God made us for a relationship with Him.
2. We sinned and then broke the relationship we were intended to have.
3. Jesus (who is God and man) came to heal that relationship, through sacrificing his life, rising again, and giving us the Church.
4. We have the opportunity to respond, by choosing to have Jesus be our Lord and Savior.
1. Created by God
2. Captured by sin
3. Rescued by Jesus
4. Respond by giving yourself to Him