Evangelii Gaudium Summa


1. Church's Mission Transformation
- Missio Ad Gentes
- For those who lack a meaningful relationship with the Church
- Attitude of pick and choose
- Evangelization is preaching the Gospel to those who do not know Jesus Christ or who have always rejected Him
- Evangelization is about bringing the Gospel to those who do not know our Lord, who have not experienced His love, mercy, and the gift of the life of grace
- Evangelization is not by proselytizing but to allow the Church to grow by attraction, by the joy of the Gospel (witnesses of the Saints)
- Missionary impulse so that the Church's ways of doing things can be all suitably channeled for the evangelization rather than the Church's self-preservation- to be creative eg. schedules of confession and Masses (how can we do things better?)
- All renewal in the Church must have its mission as its goal

2. Crisis of Communal Commitment
- Purify inculturation
- Proclamation of the Gospel
- The preacher needs to approach the Word of God with a docile and prayerful heart
- The greater or lesser degree of the holiness of the minister has a real effect on the proclamation of the Word
- Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks
- Seek first the kingdom of God
- True Christian hope which seeks the eschatological kingdom always generates history- this world flourishes when our eyes are fixed on the life of the world to come when we have heaven as our goal and we begin to live the values of that kingdom

3. Social Dimension of Evangelization
- Dialogue between science and faith
- Faith is not fearful of reason, on the contrary, faith seeks and trusts reason since the light of reason and the light of faith both come from God and cannot contradict one another
- Be critical of the scientific conclusion that contradicts our faith eg eugenics, phrenology

4. Spirit-filled Evangelizers
- The primary reason for evangelizing is the love of Jesus which we have received. The experience of salvation urges us on
- It is the personal encounter with the saving love of Jesus
- We need to be fully and totally in love with Jesus, this is the gift that we can give
- Ecumenical dialogue is always aimed at fulfilling the words of Jesus that they all might be one, with an aim of unity, aimed at the eventual goal of union with Christ
- Interreligious dialogue is always aimed at mutual understanding and the creation of a harmonious atmosphere in which our differences cannot be exploited by people who want to divide us and to make problems between Christians and non-Christians, aimed at creating harmony in society
- Whenever we meet everyone in any circumstance the fact we're Christian should have an attractiveness about it


- The supreme law is the salvation of souls
- The reason for evangelization is salvation, so that people may receive the grace of God, be transformed, and be prepared for the world to come
- The whole experience of Mass is the personal encounter with Jesus and receiving His Body and Blood in the Eucharist
- The Eucharist is not a prize for the perfect but the food of the weak but the Church has always held also that if someone is in a state of mortal sin, of severe sin, they should not receive the Eucharist without confessing first because someone in a state of mortal sin is not weak or sick, THEY'RE DEAD and they need to come up to the life that's what mortal means. We don't give food to people who are not alive, If you're weak and sick you'll receive food but if you're dead you don't receive food
- We need to recognize our own unworthiness, we need to see the importance of the Eucharist as medicine as the Body and Blood of Jesus which is transforming us. It is a food of the weak and of the sinners but if someone has fallen unfortunately into mortal sin, they need to confess before they receive Holy Communion
- It is more important for us to evangelize politicians than evangelize politics. Politics is the realm of both politicians and lay people that we can evangelize
- The CC does not have ready-made political solutions to every problem
- It is a mistake to have a secularist mindset Christian (not going to the Church) because you have to be nourished by the sacraments
- Popular religiosity is a gift that has a good foundation in every nation that needs to be purified
- Even the prayer of the contemplative nun is directed to the mission, all actions of the Church
- Homily is a dialogue
- Every culture needs to be purified and elevated by the gospel
- To be a devout Catholic mother is an evangelizer
- Family is a place of mission

Every Christian is a missionary to the extent that he or she has encountered the love of God in Christ Jesus. We no longer say that we are disciples and missionaries but rather that we are always missionary disciples.

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