The Truth by Fr. Richards
"The purpose of life is to know, love and serve the Lord so that I may be with Him forever in the next life"
- Do you believe Jesus is God? Because He is resurrected because I know Him and I experienced Him- Do you know Jesus? because in the end Jesus is all that matters
- Do you know that He is the only One Who gives us everlasting life, peace and joy
- You will know Him through prayer, prayer isn't just saying a bunch of words, its about listening to God, the important part of prayer is listening, the prophets will come before God and say speak Lord, your servant is listening not shut up God I'm talking
- You and Jesus are Son of God
- In Jesus you are my son
- You too was the son
- The problem is we don't know how much we are loved
- If only we knew how much God loved us, would be all Saints
- Sanctity and coming to know God is in prayer
- Listening to Him and coming to know that you are loved
- The only way when it comes to know God is by prayer but the way to love God is by loving others (and it starts at home not on the church)
- As Jesus loved me so I love you (others)
To know-prayer
To love- loving other people and by giving our lives for them
To serve- to let Jesus be the Lord of every part of your life
- Prayer is about you submitting your will and your life to the will of the Your Master, God
- We are slaves of Jesus Christ, He is in-charge of every part of your life
- There is nothing that's not under the Lordship of Jesus, He's either in charge of everything in your life or He's in charge of nothing
- Jesus cannot be your Savior if He's not your Lord
Jesus is Lord
1. In charge of of your time
- daily committed prayer time
- On the time we die God will gonna say, I will give you what you love forever the most would that be Him, can you prove that by the time you give to Him
- You prove your love by what you give your time to
- God got to be worth your time
2. Family
- get everyone in your family to go to Heaven
- Set good example
3. Money
- 100%
- The way you give money to God is to take care of His poor
- sins of omission and commission
- 10% income
- The love of money is the root of all evil
4. Sexual life
- Pray before sex
- God wants to be one that brings you together
- It's the most intimate act
- It's a sharing of the soul but the problem is most people are lonely during that time is because they share their bodies but they never share their soul
- Is there anything in your life that you're not willing to give up? that's what He wants, He wants it all
- You have to die
- When Jesus calls you, He bid you to come and die
- You go through the cross to experience life
- You must die and crucified so that he can live inside of you
- With God you have everything, without God you have nothing
To be disciples, it takes three things:
1. Sit at the feet of the Master
- be a fanatic of Jesus
- Scriptures- no bible, no breakfast, no bible, no bed
2. Develop the attitude of the master
- I am 3rd
- Phil 2:2
- To serve, not to be served
5. Transformed into your Master
- Be another Christ to others
- Jesus living inside of me
- To bring people to Jesus, not to us
- Christian is one who has died with Christ and now they no longer live, Jesus lives inside of them, totally different than just living a moral life
- If we do these, we will live with Jesus in Heaven
- You must be a Saint
- These is the glorious duty of man that you pray and that you love