Exalted to be Light


First Reading: Is 58:7-10
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 112:4-5, 6-7, 8-9
Second Reading: 1 Cor 2:1-5
Gospel: Mt 5:13-16
Theme: Igniting, Showing, Lasting
On this Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, we renew our vows of discipleship to the Lord as we partake of the one and everlasting sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross. The readings for today are filled with an invitation to do acts of justice and goodness for others who are brothers and sisters in mission. In doing acts of justice and goodness to others, we are invited to ignite, show, and make the mission we've partake in lasting so that vindication and justice shall reign forever.

First, we ignite the goodness we have from within. Our Lord proclaimed, "You are the salt of the earth. But if salt loses its taste, with what can it be seasoned?" Salt is important for preserving food and making it flavorful. Thus, to be the salt of the earth means "to make life good for our fellow man." What does it mean to make life good for our fellow men? That is by doing what is due to them, and that is where justice comes in. We have to do what we ought to do for the benefit of others and, therefore, to make society a better place to live in. In igniting our goodness, we can be the light that the gospel invites us into: "You are the light of the world. A city set on a mountain cannot be hidden." If we can build the kingdom of God here on earth, then justice and peace will reign. Second, we show others the goodness we are doing. At first, this might seem vain, but when you pay close attention to the gospel, we hear Jesus exclaiming, "Let our light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father." The good works we will be doing are all for the glory of God, not for vainglory but out of our love for God. In allowing ourselves to be the light in a city, we can touch and inspire other people to do the same—that is, to be the light in the darkness, to be the light of the world. This light will be contagious to others whenever you are seen doing good for the benefit of others; with that, we are doing justice to those who are oppressed in sin and in darkness. Third, we make this mission we've shared lasting so that justice shall reign forever. Let us continue to be the light and salt that never darken and never waver. The mission that we've promised in baptism must be ignited, shown, and made lasting forever.
Be the hope that the Lord has entrusted to us. Make our world a better place by being good to others we've encountered and being inspired to do the same so that they may in turn glorify the Heavenly Father in Heaven.

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