Significance of Logic

Significance of Logic

Every moment of our lives needs to have a spice logic because it guides us ultimately to reality, goodness and beauty. According to the syllabus, logic is the art of correct reasoning. In my experience, I perceive logic as a significant tool in my day-to-day life. Thus, I think logic concretely helps me to communicate well, think well, and decide well.

Firstly, logic helps me to communicate well. Communication is used to express one’s thoughts and ideas to other people. It also involves understanding and explanation. With the help of logic, I can speak the correct words that I share with other people. Nowadays, online communication through chat is prominent, and in my experience, I have encountered many miscommunications and misunderstandings. Logic enables us to clarify and articulate words or messages that are confusing and complicated. Consequently, logic clarifies, distinguishes, and sheds light on our communication.

Secondly, logic helps me to think well. Thinking is used to solve problems and organize one’s information. It involves imagination and language which is very important as a man for a man is a rational being. With the help of logic, I can comprehend the things I experience at the moment, I can express my imaginations and thoughts in a logical way that can easily be understood by somebody. Disinformation is very well known in social media, logic can ameliorate this problem because logic seeks what is valid and true. It is not surprising that logic is important in our everyday life because it helps us to tell and think of the truth, which is reality.

Lastly, logic helps me to decide well. Deciding is used to choose one thing and circumstances over the other options. It involves gathering information and identifying alternatives and actions. In our everyday life, we are always making choices that will benefit us for example deciding what to eat, what to wear, when to sleep, and many more. Decision-making is very important in discerning one’s career or vocation. Vocational discernment is very crucial in one’s life and their logic comes in because in discerning, we have to make a good and smart judgment. That is why logic is important in one’s decision-making.

In conclusion, logic helps me to communicate well, think well, and decide well. Every time to do something, we realize that communication, thinking, and deciding are all involved and that is aided by logic that helps us to live a life that is wholly and holy. For when all is well, all is holy.


This is an activity in my logic class with a question: How can logic concretely help you in your day-to-day life?

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