Kerygma- The Story of Our Faith
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). The story of our faith is summarized in this bible verse with which we are all familiar. It gives us the identity to know who we are, why we are here, what our purpose is and how we should act. In Catechism, we call this the Kerygma. It comes from the Greek word meaning “proclamation.” As I contemplate, the story of our faith can be divided into three parts. Thus, the story of our faith is divided into the story of being loved, broken, and called.
The first part of our faith story is being loved. The verse mentioned above starts with the words “For God so loved the world.” In the beginning, even before we are created, God already loves us. The fact that we exist is the primary evidence that God truly loves us because He wills us to share the glory He possesses, to share in His divine life, to share in the trinitarian life of joy and peace. Further, God has an amazing plan for you that will make you truly happy because he desires the best thing for you, which is happiness and peace. This desire is within our hearts because we are created in the image and likeness of God that dwells in our soul with our free will which is the precious gift that we had. This shows the love that God has for us in the beginning.
The second part of our faith story is being broken. Sin has broken the first part of our story. This moves the men to choose what they think is good for themselves and not for God. It will separate you from God who loves you so dearly. By the original sin of the story of Adam and Eve, the whole human race was affected to emphasize the communal effect of sin in society. Our sins destroy us to become a truly human person, drawing us to foolishness and contempt. We will be lost and our minds will be darkened by the effect of sin in our lives.
The last part of our faith story is being called. God has sent the Savior, Jesus Christ to save us and set us free from the bondage of sin. Through the death of Christ, the gate of Heaven was opened. The awaiting Messiah is Jesus who conquered the world by the power of love He showed on the cross. The Most Precious Blood of Christ that He poured upon the cross saves the whole of humanity by laying down His life for you and me. Moreover, Our Lord Jesus Christ called us to conversion. He asks us to respond to His love through repentance and metanoia, the transformation of mind and heart centered on Christ. He asks you and me to be baptized and receive the Holy Spirit through the Sacraments, the efficacious signs of grace that sanctifies us. This leads us to where we are destined to be, that is Heaven. We came from God and we go back to God, the Alpha and, the Omega. We will do this by being courageous disciples of Christ by going out and making disciples of Christ.
In conclusion, the story of our faith is divided into being loved, broken, and called. This is the story of our faith that gives us the identity of who we are. It answers our deepest questions in life such as who I am, where I belong, what my purpose is, and so forth. I am of God, I belong to God, and my purpose is to know, love, and serve Him in this world, and to be happy with Him forever in heaven. The story of our Faith gives meaning and color to our life. Taste and contemplate our story. Share and take heed to the message of our story. Go out and make disciples of Christ.