Divine Mercy and Mass by Fr. Chris Alar, MIC
Who is Jesus to You?
We need virtueIt is in baptism that we get the 3 theological virtues
God is Love
Not all love is the same
Eros- Erotic- physical
Filial- brother
Agape- complete surrender
Put love in action is mercy
Mercy is the highest form of love
- Mercy- is a particular mode of love, the highest mode of love, that when love encounter suffering it takes action to do something to about it.
- Mercy is having pains in your heart for the pains of another and taking pains to do something about their pain
- Mercy is loving the unlovable and forgiving the unforgivable
- Mercy is putting love into action
God is love so God has to be Trinity
If you are alone can there be love? No
There should be a person of love- the lover, the beloved and the love between them
Our entire faith can be summarized by a circle by St. Thomas Aquinas
- All comes from God, all will return to God= whole concept of the Mass, faith everything
3 great act of mercy
1. Creation- it is mercy because the greatest evil is not to exist, evil is the privation (lack) of good
2. Redemption- God saves
3. Sanctification- God's will for your life is your sanctification
ALL OF THIS HAPPENS EVERY MASS- we share in the divine life of God
Creation is all present
Redemption, in the Mass we are in the Calvary as Jesus is paying the debt of our sins
Sanctification- The Holy Spirit returns us to the Father so that we can be with Him forever and share in the Divine Life that is happened in the greatest part of the Mass which is the CONCLUDING DOXOLOGY, by the power of the Holy Spirit, the priest takes the body and blood of Christ lifts it and offer it to the Father- GREAT AMEN
PUT ALL OF YOUR INTENTIONS, SORROW, DREAMS, HOPE, SORROW, SUFFERINGS to be purified, to be sanctified and offer it back to God the Father
The guardian angels carry forward in the vessels what you put into it, it will take it to offer it to the Father
The book of revelation is about the Mass, its a wedding feast
You are in the wedding march in communion lane, the Bridegroom is Jesus and the bride is the Church- us, it is the same as in the Catholic Wedding
The Bridegroom is waiting, its consummated, the Bridegroom enters into you the Bride
Evil is not a real created thing, evil is a privation (lack) of the good
When we take out God who is good itself, what left is evil
Why did Jesus die on the cross? to pay the penalty of death
- The penalty for sin is death
- When we sin, we deserve has to die for our sin, somebody has to die
- the wage of sin is death
In the Mass you are at Calvary, that is why the sanctuary is always built up, the sacrificial place, Christ paying your debt to sin
- God is outside of time and we are not re-crucifying Him we are there He is paying the once and for all of our sin
During Mass, the spirit of the liturgy, we enter in a sacred time, the roof of the Church opens up and heaven and earth ascends and descends, the angels and the Saints, unite with us here on earth only at the Mass
Science tells Jesus nailed both on hands and wrists, the nail went into Jesus' palm at an angle to go through the certain bone and exit out his wrist
The world will end when the number of human souls goes to heaven that replaces the numbers of angels that fell with Satan
Adam and Eve didn't ask mercy and forgiveness
They are not merciful
They did not completely trust
Love the sinner hate the sin
Correct the sinners
The Bible is a Love Story- Starts with a Wedding and ends with a Wedding
Do the will of the Father- ABC
Love is not emotion
Love is a commitment and a choice