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The Great Kerygma

Kerygma is a Greek word for "Proclamation." During the early Church, the disciples of Our Lord made use of this proclamation to tell the history of salvation to everyone. It comprises man's fall into sin, the need for a Savior to save us from our fallen nature, and the mission that calls us to go forth. This is the introduction to evangelization, our history, and our identity. FORMAT 1 We are lost in our sins, those deep drives are destroying us, and God has sent the Savior, Jesus Christ, who died to set us free and offer us whole new life. It is he who calls to you now, who is drawing you to himself, that he might save you and give to you a whole new life. He died to give you this life, and having been raised from the dead, he ascended to the Father, where he is drawing you to himself even now, calling you by name, and offering you deliverance from every sinful and destructive drive, establishing you in a new, more glorious, and hopeful life. Come to him now, repent of y

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