Our Lord does not forsake His children. This is why we are celebrating the Jubilee Year as a moment to realize and appreciate the fundamental truth that God is faithful to His promises that He will not leave us as orphans. The opening of the Jubilee Year 2025, anchored on hope, is a profound gift to the Church. We are entering a grace-filled moment of renewal as we journey into the third millennium. Even in the midst of our many betrayals, our Lord continually reaches out to us. This is a moment of encounter for everyone, a moment of hope for you and me. Let this Jubilee Year be a time of renewed vision, conversion, and mission. God continually surprises us in ways we do not expect. As a Church, we are gathered to align ourselves with His plan for us. This Jubilee invites us to embrace a new vision of hope found in Jesus, who became one of us to bring us back to the Father we have abandoned through sin. The door symbolizes Jesus, the way to encounter the Father. Through Jesus, we can c...