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Highlights of the Summa

Theology is often described as a science, seeking to provide "certain knowledge through causes." This aligns with traditional theological approaches, where understanding God, the divine processions, and creation follows a structured and systematic inquiry about God. PART 1: ON GOD Processions and Relations: The Father begets the Son, and together, the Father and Son breathe forth the Holy Spirit. These processions are relational, where the Father relates to the Son through paternity, and the Son relates to the Father through sonship. In theological terms, the Father is described as subsisting paternity, and the Son as subsisting filiation (sonship). Creation and Causality: God is understood as the efficient, exemplar, and final cause of creation. Creation itself is a relationship of dependence, where all things are oriented from God and toward God. This concept also extends to angels, who, as pure intelligences, exist in two moments: their creation in grace and their moment o

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